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Your Glass Slipper: Honing Your Digital Marketing Strategies
for Your Perfect Fit


Navigating Digital Marketing strategies has a lot in common with Prince Charming in his search for Cinderella after the Ball. Think about the glass slipper. All the ladies in the land tried it on. Some feet were too narrow, some too wide, some the wrong shape. But then there was one that was just right. But one thing was certain: one size did not fit all. Digital Marketing Strategies are the same way. If you want to find your small business’ Cinderella, let’s take a look at some Digital Marketing tips and tricks you can use to find your perfect fit so your small business can live happily ever after.


Using the Right SEO in Your Digital Marketing Strategies:

While using Search Engine Optimization is a great start, painting too broad a stroke with your keywords may do more harm than good. Use SEO tools like SEMRush and Ahrefs to see what keywords your industry is using, then aim for the middle of the upper middle of the list so your business doesn’t get lost in the ocean of competition just churning out empty content to hit those oversaturated keywords.


The “TikTokification” of Digital Marketing Strategies:

Apps like Instagram, Threads, Twitter and TikTok are taking marketing by storm. The marketing trend sweeping the nation is going onto one of those apps and posting seconds-long, high energy video content to showcase what their business has to offer.  It almost seems like your business won’t get anywhere if you don’t have one of those accounts. But based on your demographics, do your customers even use those apps?  If you advertise to younger generations, it’s a safe bet, but as the target generation increases, that starts getting far less likely. Some analytics and sending out pulse surveys might pinpoint which platforms will suit your business best.


Your Competitors’ Digital Marketing Strategies:

Scoping out the competition’s strategy can be excellent research. Peruse their content to look for things you think they’re doing wrong, or you think you can do better, or note customer dissatisfaction. Strategize how you’d tackle the issue, then take that to your drawing board. Don’t remake their content, but do what your competition didn’t.  


Selling Yourself in Your Digital Marketing Strategies:

By nature, people appreciate transparency. Telling companies about yourselves and your business and putting a face to the name will serve you better than just being a faceless entity behind a logo talking at customers instead of to them. People want a conversation, not a lecture. Adding some personal anecdotes or Behind the Scenes content will give your customers something to connect with you on, so they have a better idea of you, which increases trust and reliability.


It can be a lot of trial and error, but so was Prince Charming’s efforts to find Cinderella. Once you find your niche, keep at it, but keep up your research so your small business can grow with your audience.



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