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Olympus Has Fallen - Synopsis and Review


Gerard Butler is in it- Check.
There are explosions- Check.

The hero is a sarcastic piece of work- Check.

That list was part of my "Must See Movie" checklist. So, the second I saw Olympus Has Fallen's trailer, I knew I had to see it. But, likemost people, I was skeptical about it since it looked terrible and cheesy. And not the good "Terrible and Cheesy", either. But I went to see it anyway, and I wasn't entirely disappointed.


The trailer gives all the plot details you need to know- a terrorist organization launches the most significant attack on Washington, D.C. in history. They end up wiping out most of the area, some of the police/military force, as well as the entirety of the Secret Service. That leaves one manMike Banning (Gerard Butler) an ex-secret service agent who resigned after failing to save the first lady from a fatal car crash. As someone who cares deeply for President  Ben Asher (Aaron Eckhart) and his son, he fights his way into the White House to save the President and his son, even if he dies trying. Given the premise, the last half of the movie's opening twenty minutes isn't subtle with references to 9/11. It even echoes its cultural moments, such as the "we don't negotiate with terrorists" quote. That phrase is uttered several times in this movie, no less. My stomach was turning throughout that entire segment because I wasn't sure how to feel about it.


With all that said, the effects are laughable. The CGI artists designed explosions and carnage that rival Independence Day(yes, the one where the aliens  blow up D.C). The rest of the movie takes less of an emotional toll, but still keeps you on the edge of your seat. It lets you get into the action and suspense of Banning's trek through the White House to the point where your jaw is down for most of the movie. The characters were likable enough for your standard "Yeah, America!" movie. Banning was a wise-cracking, sarcastic, doesn't-take-any-crap kind of guy. Standard Action Hero, but nothing special. He's someone you really wouldn't want the President's life in the hands of, but hey, it's Hollywood, so why not? Even the President, Asher and cabinet members were likable enough with their "not going to cave in and give to Evil's demands, even if it kills me" attitudes. As another little aside, it was refreshing to see Gerard Butler back in an action role. They suit him more than the romantic comedies he's been in, which definitely shows in his performance.


Of course, as expected, there were some really bad spots in the film. There were painfully cliché plot points here and there. The political stuff/foreign policy issues were inevitable with a storyline like this, but they also seem hollow and just an excuse to reference real life quotes. It got too obnoxious for my liking a few times. Suspension of Disbelief has to be your best friend with this movie. Characters do stunts that they would never survive, and the lead terrorist has surprise ninja skills at one point.


Overall, they're just your typical action movie tropes all crammed into a fun but predictable plot Also, the ending is a bit too cheesy for my liking. I won't give away too much, but it all earns a laugh or a scoff. Maybe even both. Overall, I'd say go see this. Don't go expecting a masterpiece, but it's worth it for the entertainment value and the thrill ride.


Rating out of 10: 6.8

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